
Rollering and resting

Foul February

Its been a hard month, with a combination of the start of my knee niggling again, a bad cold, and a bout of food poisoning to contend with, mixed up with being away for 2 weekends on the trot and a trip to Baildon a few days after. I am feeling the strain, and so is my training. The weather isn’t helping either!A mixed bag!

A mixed bag!I have been to see Kim down the road at Valley gate a couple of times, and seen some improvement in my knee. I have only run for 30 mins at a time for the last 2 weeks, so am a little worried that I won’t have much time to build up my distance again.

So its foam rolling every day and have a great book and resource that I have been using by Martin Koban

My new best friends.
My new best friends.

Trying to be positive, its an opportunity to build up my bike and swim endurance! I am sure that it will teach me something…

The good news..

My power meter arrived on Tuesday, so back to the number crunching, and data woo hoo!!

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