General synopsis
I have spent the last few days lying around feeling sorry for myself, after a sickness bug has hit the house. My mum looked after the kids on Thursday, and we were meant to go to Brechfa for some off road fun, unfortunately my stomach wasn’t up for it so we went for a wet walk instead.
Saw lots of seals bobbing about, and we stopped at Melin Tregwynt which we had not been to before, it reminded me of my university days using looms in Nottingham! Then walked past some creations….only in West Wales 😉
There was quite a bit of flooding and we had to do an impromptu river crossing. I opted for the bare foot and rolled trouser approach, while Patrick opted for the straight through wet feet approach. Each had their good and bad points which we discussed afterwards!!
Complaint letter
I have been getting home and complaining about lorries that overtake badly so frequently, that I finally managed to get a number plate and write a letter to the company. Here is the letter and reply.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to complain about the driver of one of your vehicles (a white pickup registration number******). I was traveling on my bike along the road from Cross Hands to Templeton at about 4.50pm on 22.10.13. The vehicle overtook me while there was traffic coming the other way, and did not give me enough space.
This is not the first time that I have been overtaken dangerously by one of your lorries, it also happens frequently on the road from Canaston Bridge up to Bluestone, and there have been many occasions when I have been pushing a pram or walking a small child down Narberth Hill and drivers have not adhered to the speed limit.
I would like you to ensure that your drivers are familiar with The Highway Code section on overtaking, ( and suggest that they respect the speed limit, and show respect for other road users, and pedestrians.
We have used your services in the past, and have always been impressed with the level of professionalism shown by your employees, it is a shame that this is not reflected in their driving.
Sincerely yours,
Celia Boothman
So there we have it! Will have to get a camera fitted so I can report some more 😉
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