
3 weeks to go and a cold

Well after Slateman I have had a hard week. I started off my training on Tuesday with a short swim, and then started to feel a bit ill on Wednesday, I wasn’t sure whether to run so I did an easy recovery run round the woods, it was either that or sleep on the sofa, in retrospect I should have slept on the sofa!! On Wednesday night I went to bed early and woke up Thursday feeling rough again, so no training. On Friday I was due to do a cycle ride but still felt under the weather so I decided to go on a long walk instead. It was very windy, so I’m quite glad I wasn’t out on the bike, besides I want to feel 100% for my next session so a few days off won’t do any harm! The walk was lovely and nice to get some fresh air, after feeling like I’d been moping round the house for a few days. Here are some pictures

Green woods
Green woods

Other than that I have had to satisfy myself by watching the Tim Don video giving some advice for the Wimbleball! Trying not to get too annoyed about my phone showing me lots of strava crowns being taken (you can tell its the bank holiday!)

Lost QOM's
Lost QOM’s

researching Ben Greenfield then feeling like I’ve been doing it all wrong, and panic buying a sun visor, a sun visor?? I ask you? I’m sure it will probably rain, but at least I’ve had practise at that 🙂

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